Frequent questions

  • Open Bus Services
  • Extra Bus Services

Which route does the bus follow?

How many stops are there and where are they located exactly?

Is the route the same every day of the week?

What are the frequencies and bus timetables?

Where can we start the tour?

What does ' Hop On Hop Off ' service mean?

What do the tours include: a commentary or a guide?

Can domestic animals get on the bus?

Are the double decker buses accessible to wheelchairs, disabled people and/or passengers with reduced mobility?

Which are your cancellation policies?



Where can I buy my ticket?

What are the advantages of online shopping?

What do I receive when purchasing on the website?

It is mandatory to print the voucher?

What do I have to do in case I do not receive the voucher?

What is the voucher exchange and where can it be done?

How long is the ticket valid?

When does the validity of my pre-purchased ticket start from?

What is the difference between the 1Day rate and the 24h rate and between the 72-hour fare and the 3Days fare ?

Do I have to enjoy my tour necessarily on the day indicated on the purchased voucher?

It is possible to reserve a seat?

Do you offer group discounts?

Is there a reduced fare for children?

What are the arrangements for reimbursement for the Open Bus services?

Is there any reduced ticket for disabled people and/or passengers with reduced mobility?

How many languages are available in the multi-lingual commentary?

How can I cancel my reservation?


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Sightseeing Experience® s.r.l.

Via Londra, 5/7(Bomba industrial zone) -

52022 Cavriglia (Ar)

Cod.Fis. & P. IVA 02193530512

Cap Soc. 10.000,00 I.V.

REA 168593Sightseeing


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